Tuesday, October 7, 2014

New Tutoring Training to Start in January

With the success of our English Conversation Group on Tuesday nights, a need has come about for tutors to work one on one with the advanced participants of our ESL group. We will be working with people who have a good grasp of English, but want to "fine tune" their reading and writing.

You don't have to speak another language to participate. You just need patients and time. The training takes 5 weeks, one session per week. After that you would be assigned a student to work with for up to a year.

Please consider becoming a tutor. It will help not only an individual, but the community as well. Imagine the personal satisfaction you will derive by helping someone attain this life-long skill.

Times and dates will be announced in an upcoming newsletter. If you are interested please contact: refdesk@westhamptonlibrary.net